Wednesday, June 13, 2012

catching up w/ pam

impromptu lunch with pam... i love stuff that just happen out of the blue... she bought be dinner for my birthday even if it's 2 days after... 

I love all these korean side dishes... just gimme those and rice, and fried egg.. i'd live... 

 sucky sundubu.... i told the lady to take out the pork... but she took out everything just left the broth and the tofu... where are my clams?!
 mixed bulgogi... it had squid... so i picked those and pam ate all the beefie...
 i gave pam a cute hand made hair tie...
 us! looking really tired..
 yay! we finally have time for each other!
learned a lot from talking to pam... lots of good insights... i love my wise friends.

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