Sunday, July 20, 2014

I am not exactly sure what's going on but I feel like I've been going through something lately. Something that I can't exactly explain what it is.  However, it feels that there's a certain coming of age that is happening.

I feel like I'm maturing, having more security in my abilities as a person. I am not saying that everything's in order right now.  I see all the areas of my life that I need to work on, but then again… There are things that are making sense.


People talk about freedom as if it's a destination… Something you'll gain when you achieve a certain level or leave a certain job or do some sort of great feat… But today I realised that freedom to me is just being able to appreciate what you have and making the most out of your situation.


I am not someone who can just get up and go and leave the things that I do on a daily basis. Embracing the facts of my life - all the leaps and bounds, the standards and all it's limitations gives me a certain freedom.  Being happy with it and recognising the fact that I am living a good life full of rich experiences that slowly mold me and make me the person that I should be.


I make everyday decisions.  Decisions to not be side-tracked by certain things.  Today I made a decision not to get too affected and eaten up by a situation because as I analysed it in my head as well as felt what my heart is saying about it, they both told me it's nothing to worry about.  I am an overanalyzer but knowing how to curb my analyses gives me a certain freedom.

It feels strange. The feeling of God gluing me back together to become  a whole person.  It's strange, after being so broken for such a long time.

Gratitude. Honor. Love. All these for You, the One who made me.

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