Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ramblings at 4:50am

there's just not enough hours in a day, days in a week, weeks in a month, month in a year...

each day should be lived to the fullest. time is something that we are privileged to have but it's also something we shouldn't waste.

in my 20's i could say i still have a lot of time left on me... however, last night, on uberfact's (oh yes! such a reliable source of information thru twitter) it says there that left-handed people like me die 9 years earlier on the average than right-handed people...

what? so being more creative than the righties actually have a price?

anyway, i just think that days should be spent in anger and frustration.. it should be spending appreciating what you have, being grateful for the present and working hard for your goals, whatever they may be.

such realizations coming to me at 4:50 in the morning... my body clock and sleep patterns are pretty messed up.

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