Friday, March 30, 2012

real love

Lord, why do You love me so much when I'm so undeserving of Your love?

Is it just like a wake up call that You wanted me to feel Your presence?

Thank You.


it's weird how when i thought this week couldn't get any worst... it gets worster.

It's not in the English language but that's how it feels right now.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

on perseverance

The Word Today

Your lesser self says, 'Not enough people believe in me. I'll never make it.' Your greater self says, 'My faith in God and in myself is enough; I can make it.' Your lesser self says, 'It's taking too long to realize my dream.' Your greater self says, 'Dreams are realized one day at a time.' Your lesser self says, 'Enough is enough! I've taken too many hits.' Your greater self says, 'I've come too far to give up now.' Your lesser self says, 'I don't have the strength to hold on to my dream.' Your greater self says, 'Hold on a little longer; the darkest hour is just before the dawn.'

wake up check

Got a call from Ate Jaz, the person who inspired me to lose weight.

I got so pressured coz I haven't weighed-in in a long arse time.


oh my golly goulash

life is so stress balls...

I don't have an outlet to release this stress as i need to save money.. and i can't eat much as i'm trying to lose weight.

Wish i had a punching bag!!!

Any recommendation to release this?

I wish I can run with a faulty knee...! but i can't!

my knee is slowly getting better though... slowly but surely. Thank God for antibacterial ointment! I don't need to put maggots on my wound to eat up the pus... Thank you modern medicine!
photo taken from

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

motivate part deux

copy paste previous entry here



I must do pilates tonight.

By hook or by crook..

I have to.

I need to feel the burn again.

Monday, March 26, 2012

english girls

this photo is pure love

love my nieces to bits.


i must stop eating crackers.

stop eating empty calories!!!

no more!

bye bye...

I don't want emo posts anymore.

My quota has been reached for this week.


me myself and i

is all i got in the end...

I got a huge scrape on my knee walking back to the car when i went to office warehouse to get some bookends for my journals.

it hurt like hell... whatever that feels like. like a piercing pain with sporadic grainy painful rubs..

i went to the bathroom to try and wash it.. it took me 5 minutes before i brought the hose to my knee.

it still hurt like hell.

got some antiseptic and applied it with a cotton bud on my wound and it hurt like hell..

realized how i don't have anyone to do it for me.

my mom is in london. who else to do it but me? i'm 26 this year and still feeling some regret not having someone treat my wound.

but i've gotten used to doing things on my own and getting stuff by myself like my tiffany necklace.

who else is going to give me that aside from myself? who else would drive for me aside from myself?

i've gotten too used to be independent of other people but the regretful feeling remains.

like at that moment in that parking lot, i could have been holding someone's hand to prevent, if not break my fall.

travel vs vacation

if only i was a model or probably an expat...

models have around 3 month contracts to countries that suit their type of beauty...

i can't travel for more than 2 weeks because i've got a department to run.

should i have just lived some other way so i can travel for months long in and out of whatever country we feel like it?

there's a burden in trying to fulfill a purpose greater than myself.

if it doesn't feel like sacrifice, then i guess it's not worth it.

but i'm thoroughly confused.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


refocusing my lenses to what matters and what's positive.


take me to a place where there is no depth

a place where i don't have to care

take me there, even just for a day.. let's go on a field trip.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

hello new cave!

Renovated my room! So different from the one before... I feel like my creative juices will come out more in this inspired space. I love it!

Thanks to the very talented Camina Maipid who is the best interior designer in my books!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


randomly booking a trip to seoul..

hello spontaneity! It's nice meeting you for the first time

baby you're a firework

at SM Mall of Asia
International Pyrolympics

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I actually dreamt of you again last night.

This time, you were there.

Not just a letter from you or a phone that belongs to you...

I don't think I should mention anything about this or you might get too freaked out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

5 languages of love

I took the 5 Languages of Love Test and boy was I surprised with the result!

I've always thought I'd be a touch kinda person by my result says I'm more on words of affirmation and quality time.

I guess, it made me see things more clearly.


I successfully made my mom work out today...!!

Even if she only lasted 10 minutes, it's off to a good start!

She's no longer allergic to exercise!

Monday, March 12, 2012


life is too unexpected.. and sometimes too short.

I reckon we should meet soon.
Lord, please help me focus on Your plan and not on my desires.

Please refine my intentions and my thoughts.

Let Your will be done.



I got my hair did...

it took several hours at Beauty Brick.

Found it weird a Korean person would be talking to his staff in Japanese...


Shorter hair.. i wanna go shorter next time...

my teacher

Hello Yoo Seon!

It's been a long time!

I missed you, Korean Teacher!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Wow! Ariel is so talented... she's not even 7 yet and she draws awesome pictures with really cool concepts.

Kids are so advanced these days... sometimes its scary but sometimes it's also amazing.

Even if she ends up not liking school, I'm sure she'll make it in life with her talent. haha!


oh my... i love you both.


i almost pinned jeremy lin into my wishlist folder.


freudian slip?



2 small paper cups of coffee today - sulu and bukidnon..

Waaaaaaaaaaaah i'm so wired!

I hope I'll be fun during Zumba...

I hope I don't crash!

I'll be going with Pam and Cheryl, I'm so psyched! I'm sure it'll be fun! :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


i think i should lessen my coffee intake.. I get so hyper and perky!

Monday, March 5, 2012


pissed beyond belief..

can i just move out?

current mood

sentimental and melancholic..

I wish I was just colicky.




notebooks of secrets

Cleaning my room in preparation for my room renovation.

Getting all teary eyed reading through all my notebooks... Each notebook reveals a season in my life... My days in college, in the States, teaching Korean kids, working as a GK volunteer, as a makeup trainer in Body Shop, preparing for Human Nature...

I'd always have random korean scribbles around my pages saying "I miss you" or "Come to Manila soon, if not, you'll die!"

If not korean scribbles, it would be a letter with a date addressed to him... From 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009...

I can't believe I'm seeing these things again.

It's not the best time for all these things revealing themselves.

woman with a hoe

not quite like edwin markham..

work it!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Survived a day without talking to you but i wanna talk to you so bad...

But im trying to discipline myself because i dont wanna dig a deeper ditch.

real talk

As long as my intentions are pure and my heart is right...

It should come.

Its painful.. but necessary.