Sunday, November 24, 2013

there seems to be a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

it's very difficult to see right now.. but there's a spark of hope..

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Pattern of my life seems to be like this... 

Difficulty thats super heavy and overbearing which is my reality... Then go on a trip somewhere be so happy that for a few moments i dont think about the whole reality thing... Get back on the plane and face reality in a major way... And then repeat.

Sometimes when the reality isnt as heavy I would just escape into my world of online novels, books or fangirl-ism. 


Creature of habit. 


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

a little bit overwhelmed with the new developments in my life.

as for now... all i can do is hope, try my best and work my hardest.

i will just be looking forward to going to japan in a couple of weeks also. it's truly one of those things that just popped out of nowhere that i consider a blessing.

thank God for giving me random opportunities on a regular basis for me to develop into a more learned, well-rounded person.

these things would not have been possible if i were just to be doing mediocre things.

all the stress and hardship of doing something to serve others has its benefits.

i'm truly blessed.

Monday, November 18, 2013

I am very particular about the places I go to because somehow I bookmark them in my head as a happy place for when I need to make myself feel better. 

Whenever I go to such happy places its like I step into a movie set with a happy ambience I created myself. 

I really enjoy my moments alone. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Broken not destroyed

How appropriate is this quote? 

I've been having realizations on how broken I am... Broken but not destroyed. 

Thank God for these words... 

Hopeful for my restoration. 

It's one of those days…

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Taking life as it is right now..

Not what it could be or how it should be.

Maybe even just for til the end of this year. I'm just trying to keep myself sane.

Friday, November 1, 2013

life pegging

This is the image that would probably embody my life peg at the moment.  

(Thank you CanCam for this image)




Not contrived. 
