Tuesday, October 11, 2016

So this is how legitimate love feels like...

It's easy, comfortable and it feels like home.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


I'm thankful for being given an opportunity to speak at yesterday's GK assembly.  It made be go way back into my blog entries from years ago and it reminded me how much I took strength from my faith.

May every single day of my life be like that.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Yesterday it hit me... 

How financially uncomfortable it is to be building a house.

The feeling is beyond the description of regular adulting. If adulting had different kinds like siopao, this feeling would qualify as extra special asado siopao. 

For now, I'll just use my money for building my house and groceries.. Because cooking my own food is much more cost effective than eating or ordering out. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A poem my dad made for me 8 years ago..


When it was done in six days he knew that it was good.

He designed with perfection and built with joy and affection.

No light or shadow, no fragrance or color was out of place.

He hung the stars, the sun and the moon like jewels in space.

Summer followed spring and morning came after evening.

Life moved with precision, no room or second for indecision.

Human was good for nature and nature was good for human.

Cause, formula and price were right according to the plan.

Every human could afford mandarin with egg and aloe vera.

Any bug would flee from the smell of calendula and citronella.

The branding was brilliant and the marketing was excellent.

Everyone was able and available, hardworking and enduring.

But beyond the logic, the dream, the glitter and the magic,

Were… uncorrupted hearts, and minds that were unpolluted.

Purest and clearest of all was the second to the youngest,

Loyal, loving and caring, simple, able and simply beautiful

Camille of the scents and the flowers, mimim to her admirers

Secret ingredient, it factor, silent worker, heart in human nature

God’s plan is perfect, the flowers are blooming…the lady is in love.

All’s well with the world, on the seventh day… he rested.

Monday, January 18, 2016

I'm feeling like I should write the story of my old love...

And sell it.


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Stay Right?

Inasmuch as I dislike New Year's Resolutions because why should we wait til a new year arrives to make changes and decisions to make our lives better... (As taught to me by a person I used to know)

Despite all that...

I have made some decisions coming from the holidays of just being lazy and careless.

Here they are:

1. Go back to being vegan.
- I've reached by 1 whole year of veganism sometime June 2015, however decided to become vegetarian after that because its easier and I dislike imposing my diet on people who feed me since I've been traveling a lot.  However, despite knowing that vegetarianism is the easier choice, my body was happier when I was vegan. So, I know it will be a struggle saying goodbye to cheese, I need to do it to say goodbye to bloating and to horrible pimply skin.

2. Say no to refined crap.
- I actually need to get my mom's buy in on this just so I could also impose it on my sister. I will only buy brown/red/purple rice, whole wheat bread, brown sugar (if necessary), and basically just focusing on wholesome foods.

3. Minimize eating out.
- I'm thinking that eating out is where all the temptation's at.  I need to really just prepare my meals.  Minimizing eating out means also saying no to fastfood and deep fried crap.

4. Exercise at least 3x a week.
- I'm not getting any younger and in this society, we're not exactly taught that cardio and working out is essential in daily life. I need to make an effort in being more active since my work is so sedentary.

5. Control my temper.
- This includes being less judgmental when my friends come to be for advice about being on a downward spiral. Controlling my temper also means praying right before facing a person who need has made some terrible decisions in life.

6. Consult God more.
- I need to constantly pray for other peoples' problems instead of harboring the emotional baggage on my own.

7. Focus on myself less.
- Minimizing my self-centeredness just thinking about other peoples' needs more.

8. Be a good daughter.
- The people who you love the most are usually the ones you hurt the most as well.  I would like to focus on being a good daughter to both my parents despite our growing differences as I become my own person. I need to live up what God tells us as honoring our parents.

9. Be a good sister.
- I've been the youngest for so long which leaves me having no idea about being an older sister to someone.  I know I'm oftentimes harsh on my little sister.  I need to be more compassionate, caring and guiding towards her.

10. Aim to please no one.
- Aim to please no one else but God. I need to stop overthinking about how other people will see me but just act in a way that's pleasing to God.  I need to focus less on being conscious about my appearance and just be more a woman of grace.