Thursday, December 29, 2011


You do not belong in any category because you have a league of your own. No one can compete against you. You'll always win.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I got this gift from a supplier...

I cannot keep it though... I shall be raffling it in our christmas party.

I cannot get used to such luxury brands.

wedding photos

Bless and Van's lovely wedding :)


the thought of not being able to talk to this person as often as iu've gotten used to is like... taking a pacifier out of a child who isn't ready yet... then the child will end up having oral fixation problems when he/she grows older...

dang it.. sigmund freud... early childhood freudian theories... haha!

screwed me up.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Bridesmaid dress will be coming today! I'm so nervous...

The photo I asked them to copy is this:

Of course, except it'll be orange and I won't be half as thin as this model.

Haha! Wish me luck!


The movie implicated that the world will end this coming 2012...

Of course I'm Catholic and I don't believe that anyone can predict when the world will end.

However I have a short list of things I want to accomplish for the upcoming year...

1. Manage my finances really well, might have to open another bank account to be able to do so. I will really have to clearly strategize my savings plan, and if ever, possible investments.

2. Continue to study and learn about our industry. Cosmetics, chemistry, marketing, buying patterns, all that. I plan to really focus in studying through the open source links.

3. Be faithful to my exercise regimen.. Zumba, Yoga, whatever.

4. Eat right.

5. Focus on the Enchanted Farm... Spend more time there.

6. Live life... I will not be scared to commit mistakes if it will make me a better person.

7. I will be more spontaneous and not overthink things.

8. Strive to be a more positive person.

9. Love more, judge less.

I know this list can go on and on... But we'll see what happens. I know new year's isn't the only time to have resolutions, that'll sound too superficial.

I hope I can be a better person.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

need vs want

I believe i need a straightening iron and I found one in this Babyliss one...


(photo taken from the Babyliss website )

Do i really need this? I think so... But the urgency isn't really a now issue... Hmm...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

happy place

around this time at night...

is the time i'm most happy and i get to smile a lot. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


No matter how stressed i am..

No matter how annoying it is that a problem arises soon after you resolve one...

I should just stop and say, I'm happy.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011


why do people ask me the awkwardest questions? Questions I can't answer?

I honestly got annoyed with the questioning awhile ago.

But oh well... Must keep my cool, and my grace... Social graces that is.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

hair ye! hair ye!

Decided to have a nerdy concept today... and braided my hair...

Reby decided to make it better by doing it fishtail-style...

And my outfit... :P From Forever21...

Academy of Beauty! "Always Look Your Best"

I can't promise that... I have my moments... hahaha

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Took this from UCB Word for Today

Just felt the need to share the inspiration :)

- - -

19 Oct 2011

You'll Come Out on Top! will lift up your face without shame... Job 11:15

Many of the world's most successful people were at one time considered to be failures. A banker in Iowa laughed and told Alexander Graham Bell to remove that 'toy' from his office. The toy he referred to was the telephone. Talk about missing an investment opportunity! A movie producer once scrawled 'reject' on the screenplay of Gone with the Wind. In 1906, the man who was Henry Ford's greatest investor asked that his stock be sold because he didn't believe the company would go anywhere. Imagine living with that memory! Mr Roebuck sold his part of the Sears and Roebuck Company for $25,000 because he said it would 'never fly' But it did, and in its heyday it was selling $4,000 worth of goods every second. Understand this: you have everything every winner in history had - plus God. The God of the Red Sea, the lion's den and the walls of Jericho is your God! So get your eyes out of the rear-view mirror and start looking ahead. Celebrate the fact that you survived. The devil may have tried to destroy you, but the good news is that he failed. In spite of all you've been through you're a walking, talking, living, breathing miracle of God's grace. He must have kept you around for a reason, so find out what it is and pour your life into it. You say, 'I've got more troubles than Job.' Maybe, but Job trusted God and came out on top! His book reads, 'If you devote your heart to [God] will lift up your face without shame; you will stand firm and without fear.'

Sunday, October 16, 2011

i aspire to inspire


I hope one day I'll be able to affect other people this way...

thank you for pointing that out

Sometimes you're so on point...

You told me to be patient and be more considerate because these people do these efforts to be able to positively promote the company... no matter if it's achieved or not, the point is, they wanted to make a a positive impact.

It all boils down to the intention...

Thank you for enlightening me because most of the time, my mind is clouded by the result of what happens, not with the intention.

I want to be a nicer person. :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

same dress, different hair..

Got this 2000 peso dress from Landmark for the Hope Ball that I ended up using for last night's Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards night....

Reby did my hair for both occasions and she did a wonderful job!

Hope Ball - side ponytail
Entrepreneur of the Year - romantic messy side bun

Reby is soooooo talented!


Last night's Ernst & Young Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award went to... ALL OF US! Congratulations!

We've been chosen out of 16 contestants... We seem to be on the right track. This is just a sign from God that we should continue to move forward, change the game, break the rules and standards to be able to lift our country up from poverty.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Damn right.

taken from

calm down

i hope our topics won't go there again because i'm a weak girl... I'll overanalyze it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


"I care not about nail art... but about your experiences."


Just like that... Doomed for life.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This is where its at...

I love the Enchanted Farm!

And they do too.... :)

My baby sister too!

love love love!

feeling like a dizzy cockroach

Morning cardio is not for me....

Did 3 rounds around the village and 300 jump ropes.... And now I feel like dying.

I should stick with night workouts. Haha

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Thats why you shouldnt do it...

You will end up not liking what you see...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I love how we're friends again!

Cheers! This makes me really happy... genuinely happy. not the kind of happy I get when I buy new makeup.


mad lash

did a video shoot yesterday and they surgerized my nose.

they also gave em a zit.. after i took off their makeup...


they gave me pretty lashes :)



I... I love you like a love song baby...


Monday, August 15, 2011

CV? What CV?

So..... after the nerve-racking interview... They're asking for my CV...

Which I don't have!!!


Friday, August 5, 2011

your best days are still ahead

"When your role changes, remember that your life's not over. See your own worth as a person, discover your next assignment, gather up your assets and keep on living and giving." - UCB God's Word for Today

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

all time low

experiencing one of the lowest seasons of this year.... emotionally that is.

So help me God... and everyone else who are having a hard time.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

business as usual

I'm quite tired today..... Had to wake up at 4am so we could leave at 5am.


I'm happy. Builder's Night tonight. It's been a long time.

Hoping to get re-energized by the heroes that will be speaking :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

slightly troubled

hoping and praying to God that I'll recover from this soon.


like a mantra that needs to be etched in my soul...

pride & love for the country

Sunday, July 17, 2011

hair day

Did my hair today with Moise at Simon Kim Salon....

Uncle Simon totally outdid himself today... Best perm I've ever had :)

Can you say wired?

How it looked after... I look pissed but I am ecstatic with the result!

We're both very happy with our new hair.... :)

Totally worth the gazillion minutes spent on that chair....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

good day..

After farming and tiring myself out in the kitchen I went to meet up with Yoo Seon who I haven't seen in a loooooooong time!
5:00 dinner at John & Yoko in Greenbelt 5...

Extremely good food..

Friday, July 15, 2011

soft waves...!

My friend's soft waves tutorial is da bomb kahuna...!

fake real

Reby was telling me how fake my lashes looked...

Yeah they look fake with HER mascara!!!!! >,<

work pattern





Let us ask ourselves: "where are we off to after work?"

Wahahahahaha! Bug-eyed green!

last friday night...

Steady cool night with Reby...

It was supposedly a girls night with Moise and Pam however... stuff happens... so it was just me and Reby.

Dinner at Zaifu.. Lovely food, fast service.

Then we went to about 1004958380 stores in there including Adidas in my hopes of finding We Are Originals - FAIL.

Then I went to Anthem to look at Toki Doki and Harajuku Lovers stuff... Saw a sweeeeet top at 40% off but to my dismay it was XL. I was like, maybe I can still pull it off, but no... it was falling off my shoulders. :(

(pic taken from Polyvore)

So after that we went to check on our displays at Beauty Bar which was cool that they were trying to sell Human Nature stuff to us. hahaha!

We basically scoured the whole mall and I just got a pair of shoes and a farm-ey top at Zara coz my pink shoes that I like wearing are already falling apart.

It was a good night... Off to the farm at 5am tomorrow! 3.5 hours of sleep to go.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

bag of pretty

I sort of find it funny nowadays that when I open my kikay kit, it's just full of little prototypes... 

 Rest assured... I know everything that's in these products. :) Fruity lip balm formulated by Hannah included!
These ugly little pots will be housed in pretty little packaging soon... Hoping for the best! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

no hang ups

I think I officially learned when to stop.

No more lingering, dwelling on what-might-have-beens.

This is refreshing.

No bitterness added :)

It's really nice seeing two people having equal amounts of fascination, infatuation and love for each other.

I love seeing Pam and Greg updates on Facebook. :)

Their adorably sweet banter with one another is just putting a smile on my face.

They are just 

A day in the life...

Today was a pretty cool day... I feel fulfilled. 

I met with this Brazilian Chemical Engineer as she lectured our team about the skin structure and how hydration and moisturization works in the scientific level to keep the skin youthful... Hardcore cool stuff.

Made me wanna study chemical engineering..... Or not. Haha

So, today is one of those days... It's one of those sniff days...

I had to sniff a total of 10 liters of essential oil just to determine if they're up to standard.... of course got totally dizzy after that I forgot that it was already time to eat.

But I think.... because of the lemongrass high.. It inspired me to create one of the shades in the green eyeshadow palette that's set for the holidays!


When I was mixing it, I got a bit scared as it turned to a weird, unbecoming shade of poop green... But as I added the liquid stuff, it turned to the shade I hoped it would :)

I think this green palette will be my lucky palette... So much nicer than the Shrek green I made yesterday!

I shall wear this tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So my dad was mildly reprimanding me for showing a pic of my crush to Shanon awhile ago...

When he saw the photo on my phone he grumbled that all the dudes I like are all just imaginary....

Well who would blame me if this particular dude who is 4 years younger than me doesn't exist in my country... But he certainly exists somewhere in South Korea!

Sigh... Imagination is the main recipe to a creative person! I'm not crazy!!! (oh well... maybe sometimes.. or... most)


After 20-something prototypes... I've finally locked down a shade... My shade.


I should have it pressed... to see how it will turn out on wet application...

Monday, July 11, 2011


I'm currently determined to lose weight... more weight... Last time I checked I lost about 6-8lbs already... and then the scale went missing... I can't check my progress.

I've been doing Intermittent Fasting for 65 days already... Basically I can only eat from 11am-7pm everyday. It's hard but bearable because I can eat anything in moderation in that span of time... However I decided to take take it to another level by taking out rice and unhealthy foods in my diet.. That just started last Monday.

Today's lunch menu that I prepared this morning... 

I made a pact with Bless and Aimee and we'll all do this together for a month and see how it goes. Wish us luck!

I've also started doing yoga with my sister last night. Hope it all goes well!

The always random me...

Just thought of creating a generic blog about my life, obsessions,  challenges, joys and triumphs? ^^

I am Camille and this is my life on auto-shuffle mode.