Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Hello from 2020

So I did not write on you the whole of 2019! I’m really surprised but at the same time NOT surprised that it would take a pandemic to make me go back to writing on my Blogspot.

I did write a post back in October 2, 2018 and I titled it Resuscitate creative Camille.

Who I was back then is like the Flash who hops on different timelines and feels the exact same way because hello, here I am, Camille from 2020, feeling this ugh, annoying, familiar feeling.

Except back then I felt like I was more eloquent, even if on that particular post I was already pining for the way I was before.  Younger me. Oh my, this just feels like Inception.

Small life update, been married for a year, and have a 6 month old Chewie in tow.

But feeling the same feelings. Feelings of wanting to be the bright, creative girl I used to be.

Except now, it’s not just lip service. I actually did a pretty big order on Lazada for nail art.

Hopefully I’ll be able to hop on again, for an update... in trying to resuscitate creative Camille. 2 years in the making.

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